Will Faeber’s Book Club

Posted on 14th June, by Admin in Blog, Video. 3 Comments

Will Faeber’s Book Club

Good morning, this is Will Faerber from Art2Ride and thanks for joining us again! I want to take a moment this morning to tell you about a book that I discovered a little while ago, that I think should be in every equestrian’s library. It’s called “Dressage Formula” by Erik Herbermann.

Erik Herbermann was a long time student of the great classical German rider Egon Von Neindorff. He grew up riding with him for many many years and has basically put his method down into a book. For those of you who don’t know who Egon Von Neindorff was, he was the top German rider for many years. He is the German equivalent to Nuno Oliveira, so to speak.

People ask me all the time why we go into these stretches and things and I just try to tell people that this is not something that I invented, you can research all these books and find out all about this, if your looking in the right books. The problem today however, is that many of the books that are out there in stores are written by people who have never trained any horses! Here in the video is a perfect example of him talking about the stretch in the horse. So this is nothing new, that is what I want to emphasize.

Stretching the horse comes from the French classical school. The French started stretching their horses before the Germans did because they rode a lighter type of thoroughbred horse that needed back developement. The Germans were mostly riding heavy carriage type horses that they bred down to become riding horses. Nowadays however, I think all good riders and educated riders have pretty much come to the same place in that they use the same techniques on all types of horses and it works very well!

So once again, this is a book I highly recommend, The 4th Edition of “Dressage Formula” by Erik Herbermann. So please, when you go looking for something to read, this is one that should be on your bookshelf! I will be bringing up other books as we go along, but right now I think that this is the number one book on the market for this style of riding! Thank you very much, and we will see you next time at Art2Ride!

3 responses to “Will Faeber’s Book Club”

  1. Courtney says:

    After watching this blog I was really interested in getting my hands on this book, I have tracked one down and I’m really looking forward to reading this. I’m a bit of a book worm 🙂

    Thanks for you videos you have really opened my eyes that there is a better way of training our beloved horses

  2. Erin says:

    The following site has the most current 4th edition of this book for less than $30. Much less than anywhere else I could find…


    Amazon also has the audio version for around $22 with free shipping…


    Happy reading/listening!

  3. rebecca says:

    Love this book! Every line is pure power.

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From the Blog!

Join me as I post weekly blogs covering many topics relating to Classical Foundation Training. I have intentionally left out the word "dressage" because many people have a negative association with the prevalent "crank and spank" approach or that it is a sport for only those who are afraid to jump.

Dressage as it is meant to be is an understanding of how to best optimize a horse's movement and ability to carry a rider, surely a benefit for any horse, any discipline. It is also important in maintaining your horse's safety, soundness and sanity.

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