Tag: Dr. Gerd Heushman
Will Faerber’s Book Club: If Horses Could Speak
23rd October
Hi this is Will Faerber from Art2Ride and and I am here this morning with my buddy Zoolander to do another episode of our book club.
These are a couple of books that should be on every modern rider’s shelf. Starting of with “If Horses Could Speak” which is not a book but a DVD including it’s companion, the book “Tug Of War: Classical Versis Modern Dressage” by Dr. Gerd Heuschman. These books have really saved me a lot of talking because I have been teaching this style of riding of teaching horses to get correct over their back and stretch and relaxation for many many years. I was happy when I found these books because I found a veterinarian who actually explains it. There’s actually an older explanation by a veterinarian which you might want to check out as well named …