Tag: chambon

Why do you use a chambon?

We use a chambon mainly in the beginning when we first start teaching a horse to lunge. It encourages horses that have been moving with a hollow back to stretch their frame down and out. Horses with undeveloped toplines need to lower the poll down and forward to allow the back to begin to lift and give room for the hind legs to swing deeper under the body.

A horse must first learn to move forward with impulsion but many horses aren’t ready for side reins (they haven’t developed the correct contact with the bit) and a horse will never be able to reach under his body with his hind legs if his back is hollow. We will also sometimes have riders ride with the chambon who haven’t developed enough themselves as riders to ask the horse stretch. This works in …

From the Blog!

Join me as I post weekly blogs covering many topics relating to Classical Foundation Training. I have intentionally left out the word "dressage" because many people have a negative association with the prevalent "crank and spank" approach or that it is a sport for only those who are afraid to jump.

Dressage as it is meant to be is an understanding of how to best optimize a horse's movement and ability to carry a rider, surely a benefit for any horse, any discipline. It is also important in maintaining your horse's safety, soundness and sanity.

Art2Ride Associate Trainer Program: Marnie: 2021 Yearly Submission

Art2Ride Associate Trainer Marnie gives her yearly update for 2021.

Art2Ride Associate Trainer Program: Ryanne: 2021 Yearly Submission

Art2Ride Associate Trainer Ryanne gives her yearly update for 2021.

Art2Ride Associate Trainer Program: Marie: 2021 Yearly Submission

Art2Ride Associate Trainer Marie gives her yearly update for 2021.